I would like to tell you about this interesting case of young, 20-year-old man, with negative history, who was admitted in our hospital after a wound with a bladed weapon in his neck, hypovolemic shock.
He is taken from the ER to the OR, and a cervicotomy is conducted, finding a wound in the larynx, without vascular involvement nor digestive system involvement, so a laryngograph and a tracheotomy were done. Approximately 12 hours after the surgery, he presented an episode of oppressive retrosternal thoracic pain, irradiated to the left superior limb and associated to diaphoresis.
Quisiera comentarles este interesante caso de un joven de 20 años con antecedentes negativos, quien ingresa a nuestro hospital posterior a herida por arma cortopunsante en cuello, shock hipovolémico, se traslada de ugencia a quirófano realizándose cervicotomia, hallandose herida de laringe sin compromiso vascular ni compromiso de via digestiva, realizándose laringorrafia y traqueostomia.
Aproximadamente 12 horas POP presenta episodio de dolor torácico retoesternal opresivo, irradiado a miembro superior izquierdo y asociado a diaforesis