FAS, men’s, 53 years. In investigation of atypical thoracic pain was performed ECG who showed alteration (?) in 2004. It was then submitted at Treadmill Exercise Test that was given as alter (?).
In that occasion was medicated with enalapril 10mg/dia. He continued with pain in the chest and new exercise test was performed in our institution in January 2010
FAS, masculino, 53 anos. Em investigação de dor torácica atípica foi realizado a ECG que mostrou alteração (sic) em 2004. Foi então submetido a teste ergométrico que foi dado como alterado (sic).
Medicado na ocasião com enalapril 10mg/dia. Continuou com dor no peito e novo teste ergométrico foi realizado aqui em janeiro de 2010